Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Going without

I've learned a lot these past few weeks about me and about my spiritual walk.

And one of the ways it began was by trying to save money on our (my roommate and my) cable bill. We decided to get rid of the DVR and the digital channels so we had to change out the cable box. That box ended up not working with our TV setup and we got really busy the next few weeks, so we were without TV for about 4 weeks.

Not having TV readily available was refreshing. No Sportscenter during lunch. No easy way to just sit and zone out. No House at night. No sports during the evening. That forced me to read more during lunch and to find ways to be productive at night. That meant reading and spending more time with God.

It's been a forced change of behavior that has resulted in a long desired change of heart. I know it is my mission as a man to be the spiritual leader for my future wife and this "No TV" has really emphasized that. It's allowed me to spend more time in the Word and more time realizing how lucky I am to have her and the countless other blessings God has bestowed to a sinner like me.

My idea for this post is to encourage you to do without sometime to see where your heart really is. What is that?

1 comment:

McKenna said...

you need to blog more!