Thursday, September 10, 2009

Men's Group

I feel COMPLETELY blessed to be in the Mens Group that I am in on Thursday mornings at 6 in the AM.

These past 4 weeks we have entirely immersed ourselves in the chapter on Prayer from Wayne Grudem's book, Systematic Theology. Through our time together, it's really inspired me to pray more and pray better. I think really putting yourself in a situation where you can focus on nothing more than God takes you to a place where it becomes the conversation.

I am really needing work on listening to God and by getting out of my room (where I work at home from) and outside into the heat and making myself get down on my knees, it puts me into His perspective and His mindset. Christ died for me and I wouldn't even get on my knees? It's sad but true. Luckily He has grace beyond what we, especially I, can comprehend. I will try to be better about my praying, but if/when I fail, He will catch me and I have my guys in the group to keep me accountable.

By the way, meeting at 6am is insane. It allows for great discussion because you're barely awake, your mind and heart are going 100mph and the majority of the guys are all sorts of jacked up on caffeine. Try it twice. You'll be hooked.


Mike said...

Nothing in like 3 months, and then twice in one day... what gives? Your readers request more regular updates.

Blake Parrish said...

Mike, that's why you're the man. Encouraging. Me gusta.